
Red stamp for heat waves in 11 cities

Lazio is the hardest hit

Red stamp for heat waves in 11 cities.

Eleven cities red dot between today and tomorrow. This is indicated by the monitoring by the Ministry of Health on heat waves in 27 Italian cities.

«The heat waves - explains the Ministry - they occur when very high temperatures are recorded for several days consecutive, often associated with high humidity levels, strong solar radiation and lack of ventilation. These climatic conditions may represent a risk to the health of the population".

Today, Friday 12 July, the 11 cities with red dot are Bologna, Campobasso, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Perugia, Pescara, Rieti, Rome, Trieste and Viterbo (three cities marked with an orange sticker, 11 with a yellow sticker, two with a green sticker).

Tomorrow, Saturday 13 July, there are 11 cities characterized by the red dot: Ancona, Bologna, Campobasso, Florence, Frosinone, Latina, Perugia, Pescara, Rieti, Rome and Viterbo. There is no city with an orange sticker, 11 cities with a yellow sticker while the cities marked with green dot, i.e. zero level of heat waves: Brescia, Genoa, Milano, Naples and Turin.

Bollino rosso per ondate di calore in 11 città

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