
Ragusa: He tries to kill his brother with a hammer, 52-year-old arrested

Carabinieri arrest a man from Gela who attempted to kill his brother with a hammer over disagreements over private property.

Ragusa: Attempts to kill brother with hammer, 52-year-old arrested.

The Ragusa Provincial Carabinieri Command's activity to combat crimes against persons continues.

In particular, in recent days, the Carabinieri of the Scoglitti Station they intervened in the seaside district of the Municipality of Vittoria following a report received by the local Operations Centre for a fight. Once on site, the soldiers identified the attacker as SE, from Gela 52 years old, with blood-stained clothes and a hammer in his hand with clear traces of blood, as well as a man lying on the ground with head injuries and copious amounts of blood leaking out. The soldiers managed to disarm the attacker and, after the first investigations, they identified the victim as the attacker's brother.

From the information acquired immediately they learned that the fight had arisen for reasons attributable to disagreements concerning the management of a private property shared between siblingsThe Carabinieri then activated the rescue services that transported the victim to the emergency room of the “Guzzardi” hospital in Vittoria for the necessary treatment and, subsequently, took the attacker to their offices to fully identify him, seizing the hammer used to hit the victim.

The military then proceeded to report SE under arrest for the crime of attempted aggravated murder against his brother and, once the formal procedures were completed, they transferred him to the Ragusa prison at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

Ragusa: Tenta di uccidere a martellate il fratello, arrestato 52enne

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