Ragusa: New Drug Dealing Setback, Carabinieri Arrest Another 9 People
The suspects will all have to answer, in various capacities, for the crime of "detention for the purpose of dealing drugs" and one of them will also have to answer for the crime of "extortion".
Ragusa: new checkmate to drug dealing, Carabinieri arrest another 9 people.
The new operation by the Carabinieri of the Ragusa Company, which, a few days after the previous one on April 19th that led to the arrest of 5 people, has dismantled another network of drug dealers operating both in the capital and in the Iblea province.
The GIP of the Court of Ragusa, on the proposal of the Iblea Prosecutor's Office, issued a precautionary custody order against another 9 people, carried out this morning by the military of the Arma who, with the support of the Carabinieri Canine Unit of Nicolosi, took to prison another 3 people, all from Ragusa aged between 24 and 37, a further 4, a 22-year-old from Ragusa, two Albanians aged 23 and 26 and a 31-year-old Romanian, who ended up under house arrest, in addition to a further 2 citizens who were ordered to remain in their municipality of residence.
The suspects will all have to answer, in various capacities, for the crime of “detention for the purpose of drug dealing” and one of them also of the hypothesis of crime of "extortion".
Furthermore, some of them will also have to answer for the aggravating circumstances of drug dealing towards minors and near schools, as well as for the specific complicity and recidivism within five years.
During the investigations, which developed in parallel with those that led to the arrests made last April, the military personnel of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus of the Ragusa Company were able to document numerous sales of narcotic substances, such as marijuana, hashish and cocaine, all of which took place in the historic center of the Iblean capital.
Also in this case, the info-operational activity corroborated by technical investigations allowed the reconstruction of the movements and modus operandi adopted by the pushers, similar to the latest investigative reconstructions, with sales at home or in isolated locations, away from prying eyes. .
As further confirmation of the flourishing drug dealing activity by the consolidated network made up of the suspects and by virtue of the numerous searches that the Carabinieri soldiers have crystallized over the last few months, the criminal context, three arrests were carried out in flagrante delicto , as well as several seizures of drugs and material suitable for packaging the substance, for a value estimated at over €30 thousand.
The Public Prosecutor's Office of Iblea, fully sharing the investigative findings produced by the Carabinieri, has requested the Judge of Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Ragusa to issue the personal precautionary measures carried out this morning by the Carabinieri of Ragusa.
The detailed investigation activity also allowed the release of a further 5 people for the same crimes, establishing a total of over 330 sales of narcotic substances, and identifying more than 68 buyers.
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