PM10 beyond the limits: anti-smog measures are triggered in 9 provinces of Lombardy

The restrictions come into effect at Milano, Monza, Como, Bergamo, Brescia, Mantua, Cremona, Lodi and Pavia

PM10 beyond the limits: anti-smog measures are triggered in 9 provinces of Lombardy.

After the fourth day of overcoming of the limit values ​​of Pm10, tomorrow in 9 out of 12 provinces of the Lombardia they are triggered measures anti-smog of first level which include, among other things, the traffic ban on all days of the week (from 7am to 30pm) of vehicles up to 1 euro petrol and until at euro 4 diesel in municipalities with over 30 thousand inhabitants.

The restrictions come into effect at Milano, Monza, Como, Bergamo, Brescia, Mantova, Cremona, Lodi e Pavia. The same measures came into force on January 30th in six provinces.

The first level measures also provide that the warm-up does not exceed 19% and the ban in agriculture on the spreading of sewage, digestates, sewage sludge, fertilizers (except for injection) and immediate burial. Furthermore, the ban on lighting fires outdoors and to use wood stoves rated up to three stars.

«The measures to improve air quality in Lombardy continue», underlined the regional councilor for the environment Giorgio Maione. «We will also invest 30 million euros this year for the renewal of heating systems and vehicles in circulation. In five years – he recalled – overall investments linked to environmental sustainability in Lombardy amount to 19 billion". And then «over the last 20 years the measures adopted by the Region, the investments made by companies and the virtuous behavior of citizens have led to a 39% reduction in PM10 concentrations and a 45% reduction in No2 concentrations. These are the system data on which environmental policies are calibrated. In the meantime, in consideration of the weather conditions which determine the stagnation of pollutants on the ground - he concluded - we activate the temporary measures provided for by the law".

Meanwhile, the battle of the gods breaks out air quality data from Milano, with the smog warning which in recent weeks has once again occupied the news and caused concern. According to the ranking of the Swiss company IqAir, the Lombard metropolis appears these days the third most polluted city in the world.

The ranking of the Swiss company, which measures air quality in real time, puts Milano on the podium as one of the worst, preceded only by Chengdu in China and Dhaka in Bangladesh. In fourth place, so slightly better than Milano, there is Delhi in India. The data of the Swiss company, which develops products for monitoring air quality and cleaning the air, have been reposted by many media and shared on social media but Mayor Giuseppe Sala is the one arguing about this type of ranking: «These are impromptu revelations made by a private entity, I'm also annoyed at having to answer questions about issues that don't exist – says the mayor arguing with the journalist who asks him about the ranking -. We are working to improve the air, Arpa says it has improved even though I maintain that it is not enough. We are talking about serious things and this is not a serious thing.".

Pm10 oltre i limiti, scattano le misure antismog in 9 province della Lombardia

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