Pescara: the courage of two policemen stops an extreme gesture and saves the life of a young man

After the first and essential aid, the young man was immediately transported to the hospital with evident symptoms of hypothermia, having remained in the water for a long time.

Pescara: the courage of two policemen stops an extreme gesture and saves the life of a young man

On the afternoon of October 25, the The extreme gesture of a young man was thwarted by the courage of two State Police officers who saved his life, while being dragged by the waters of the Pescara river.

The incident occurred on the afternoon of October 25th at 16pm, when a man was reported to the emergency line who, immediately before, he had thrown himself into the river to take his own life, jumping from the bridge called Villa Fabio.

The patrol immediately went to the point indicated in the report and the man identified who, in the middle of the river, at the sight of the rescuers, tried to move away from them, reaching the deepest area, strongly determined to reach his objective. On site, also personnel from the Fire fighters and a few minutes later the health.

As soon as they understood what was happening, the two policemen didn't think twice and, after having get closer to the edge of the river, have attracted the attention of a fisherman who was passing by on his dinghy right near the bridge where the man had decided to end it all. With determination, the two officers, an inspector and a selected patrol officer, I am got on the dinghy and fought against the current, which at that time was particularly insidious, they reached the man who, exhausted, was struggling in the waters.

Forming a chain, the officers reached the young man, almost completely now senseless and, after having grabbed it firmly, struggling against the force of the water they managed to hoist him on board and then quickly take him to the shore, where they tried to wake up the now unconscious boy by practicing on him life-saving maneuvers.

After the first and essential aid, the young man was immediately transported to the hospital with evident symptoms of hypothermia, having remained in the water for a long time.

The extreme gesture is probably due to a moment of despair that fortunately was nullified by the two police officers who, with professionalism and determination, they saved the young man's life.

Pescara: il coraggio di due Poliziotti ferma un gesto estremo e salva la vita a un giovane

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