Pescara: 36-year-old arrested for sexual acts with a minor.

The measure brought to light serious evidence against the arrested man, who had allegedly had sexual relations for months with a boy who was fifteen at the time.

Pescara: 36-year-old arrested for sexual acts with a minor.

The police officers of the Pescara Flying Squad have executed the precautionary measure of house arrest, requested by the Teramo Public Prosecutor's Office and ordered by the GIP, against a 36-year-old man resident in a municipality in the province of Teramo.

The measure, applied following an investigation carried out by the local Flying Squad together with the Pescara GAV, coordinated in the initial phase by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Pescara and then transferred for territorial jurisdiction to that of Teramo, has brought to light serious evidence against the arrested person, who allegedly had sexual relations for months with a boy who was fifteen at the time, entrusted to him as part of an artistic project.

From what emerged from the investigation, the man had been introduced to the students of the high school attended by the victim, by school staff, who were found to be unaware of the criminal events and completely unconnected to them. In the following months, the suspect allegedly deceived the minor, convincing him with various pretexts and on multiple occasions to have sexual relations, considered essential for his nascent artistic career.

Due to the discomfort manifested in the family environment, the minor's parents realized that the discomfort was linked precisely to the attendance of the extracurricular program; therefore, they turned to the Judicial Authority, thus giving rise to the investigative activity that led to the application of the precautionary measure, also based on the dangerousness of the suspect, evaluated in light of the concrete ways in which the man was found to approach also other minors attending the artistic program he supervised.

In compliance with the presumption of innocence, it is specified that the responsibilities for the facts contested in the precautionary order, even if based on elements considered serious enough to justify the restrictive measure of liberty mentioned above, must in any case be examined by the procedural activity and that the suspect cannot be considered guilty until all levels of judgment have been concluded.

Pescara: arrestato 36enne per atti sessuali con minorenne.

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