Pescara: 2 foreigners arrested for attempted theft, receiving stolen goods, violence, resistance and threats to a public official

At this point it was necessary to neutralize the most agitated one with the electric pulse gun "taser".

Pescara: 2 foreigners arrested for attempted theft, receiving stolen goods, violence, resistance and threats to a public official

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Pescara Carabinieri Company, on the night of November 13, right in the city centre, Two non-EU citizens aged 30 and 31 arrested in the act registered in the Police Forces Database, considered responsible for attempted theft of a scooter, as well as for the crimes of violence and threats to a public official and receiving stolen goods.

At 03,00 the military personnel of the Radiomobile of the Pescara Carabinieri Company, during the usual territorial control services, aimed at combating crimes in general, while passing through this Corso Umberto, noticed two young people who they were trying to steal an electric scooter that was tied with a chain and padlock to a street lamp.

The two subjects noticed the arrival of the Carabinieri, they were trying to get away. One was immediately blocked, while the other, who acted as a "lookout" gave himself over to hasty escape on foot through the city streets, but it came reached and blocked in nearby Via Firenze, thanks to the help of other soldiers who promptly arrived on site.

The two non-EU citizens, taken to the headquarters of the Carabinieri Command of the Rancitelli Logistics Centre, for the drafting of the Judicial Police documents, once inside, without any reason, they were going into a frenzy, they were struggling and uttering insulting and threatening phrases towards the operating military personnel. In particular, one of the two was in the waiting room suddenly with kicks and headbutts he broke a large window of the premises and subsequently attacked one of the soldiers operating, who had intervened to stop him, which he procured injury judged curable in 5 days by the health workers of the emergency room of the Pescara Hospital. At this point it was necessary neutralize the most agitated one with the electric pulse gun "taser"The immediate intervention of the Carabinieri allowed the two agitated men to be stopped without them suffering any injuries.

The personal search carried out on the two subjects allowed for recover five cell phones, which from the first investigations resulted, proceeds of theft from some travellers, which happened on the train at night Milano-Bari, where it is presumed that the two non-EU citizens were travelling.

The two criminals were arrested and after the various formalities they were confined to the Pescara prison, awaiting validation by the local Judicial Authority.

Pescara: arrestati 2 stranieri per tentato furto, ricettazione, violenza, resistenza e minacce a pubblico ufficiale

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