Perugia: Cookies containing “cannabinoids”, and 54-year-old who grows marijuana plants

Intense anti-drug activity and traffic control over the weekend. One person arrested and thirteen reported.

Perugia: cookies containing “cannabinoids”, and 54-year-old who grows marijuana plants. Carabinieri checks.

The Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Perugia, with thehelp of military personnel Dog Unit of Florence, last weekend, in several areas of Perugia, they conducted an intense counteraction to the hypotheses of the crime production and possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing.

At the same time, as a preventive measure, institutional activities were carried out through the use of numerous crews from the dependent Companies who also carried out checkpoints at sensitive points in the provincial territory, aimed at ensuring the correct flow of road traffic and verifying compliance with the relevant rules established by the Highway Code. Below, the results of the service and the results achieved by the Carabinieri of the Companies of:

- Marsciano, following a house search delegated by the AG, arrested a 17-year-old in flagrante delicto, caught in possession of 10 gr. of “MDMA”, 5 of “hashish” and 1 of “ketamine”, held responsible for possession of drugs for the purpose of dealing, and as ordered by the Public Prosecutor for Minors of Umbria, was placed under house arrest. Following the validation hearing, the GIP ordered house arrest against him. In addition, his brother, aged 20, was reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Spoleto, who, during the check, attempted to hide on his person part of the drugs in the possession of the minor.

In the meantime, the military reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Spoleto two 48-year-olds, of Italian and Romanian origin, a 56-year-old local man and a 57-year-old, of Albanian origin, one of whom he refused to submit to the drink-driving test and the rest for driving under the influence of alcohol;

- Città di Castello They reported a 16-year-old to the Prefecture of Perugia as a drug user who, during a check, was found in possession of 0.5 gr. “cocaine”;

- Città della Pieve they reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Perugia a 54-year-old of Lebanese origins, considered responsible for the crime of unauthorized cultivation of “Indian hemp”. The man was caught cultivating on land opposite his home 14 “marijuana” plants, between 40 and 140 cm in height;

- Spoleto they reported at liberty to the local Public Prosecutor's Office a 54-year-old Florentine, with a police record, considered responsible for the cultivation and possession for the purpose of dealing of narcotic substances of the type "marijuana" and "hashish". The Carabinieri, in carrying out a house search, found some dried “marijuana” leaves, with a total weight of 35 gr., and a resinous fragment of 0,5 gr. of “hashish”. Further investigations, in a vegetable garden adjacent to his property, led to the seizure of another 4 “marijuana” plants;

- Perugia they reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Perugia a 23-year-old of Albanian origins for the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing, having been found in possession of 8 gr. of “cocaine”.
In the meantime, the soldiers reported at liberty to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Perugia a 27-year-old of Ukrainian origins, and a 41-year-old of Tunisian origins, for having been caught driving their respective vehicles which, although they clearly showed obvious symptoms of alcoholic intoxication, both refused to undergo this examination;

- Gubbio, in Nocera Umbra, following a house search delegated by the AG, they reported a 58 year old local man, found in possession of n. 7 “marijuana” plants between 60 and 120 cm tall, partially in bloom and 1 gr. of “marijuana”;

- Foligno They reported at liberty to the local Public Prosecutor's Office a 37-year-old local man, considered responsible for the illicit possession of narcotic substances, having been caught in possession of 2 gr. “hashish” and 86 gr. of cookies containing “cannabinoids”, and a 24 of Egyptian origin caught with 22 gr. of “hashish”. The military also reported to the Prefecture of Perugia, as drug users, a 17-year-old and a 48-year-old, both Italian, who were checked together on board a car and were found, respectively, in possession of 1 gr. of “marijuana” and 3,4 gr. of “hashish”.

The drugs and plants found were seized.

Perugia: un 37enne è stato trovato in possesso di biscotti contenenti “cannabinoidi”, mentre un 54enne è stato sorpreso a coltivare 14 piante di marijuana. I controlli dei Carabinieri

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