Palermo: kidnapped, tortured and raped by her partner. “Red code” procedures activated, 42-year-old arrested

The military intervened after the woman called for help through the Emergency Number "112", saying she had been beaten and kidnapped by her partner.

Palermo: kidnapped, tortured and raped by her partner. “Red Code” procedures activated, 42-year-old arrested.

The Carabinieri of the Palermo Piazza Verdi Company have arrested a 42-year-old from Palermo, already known to the police, presumed responsible for the crimes of kidnapping, mistreatment in the family and personal injury, committed against his partner.

The military personnel intervened after the woman asked for help through the Single Emergency Number "112", saying she had been beaten and kidnapped from the companion.

The Carabinieri, having activated the necessary checks, have begun the search for the man who in the meantime he had fled. The results of the first investigations have outlined the contours of what appears to be a serious incident. The woman, the night before the call, was apparently seized by the man at the house where the two lived together and subjected to death threats for approximately 20 hours, torture, physical assault, suffocation attempts, restrictions on freedom of movement as well as sexual violence. Taking advantage of a moment of distraction from the 42-year-old, the young woman managed to escape and ask for help.

The Carabinieri, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Palermo, have activated the emergency procedures provided for by the “code red” and, once they tracked down the man, they took action the arrest "in deferred flagrante" of the alleged perpetrator.

The suspect was taken to the Lorusso-Pagliarelli prison pending the validation hearing.

The arrest was validated by the Preliminary Investigations Judge of the Court of Palermo.

Palermo: sequestrata, torturata e violentata dal compagno. Attivate le procedure del "codice rosso", arrestato il 42enne

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