Palermo, beaten and locked up in her house. Her tormentor companion in prison

The investigations were carried out by the Carabinieri who physically executed the precautionary measure

Palermo, beaten and locked up in her house. Her tormentor companion in prison

The Palermo Preliminary Investigations Judge has issued an immediate trial decree against a 30-year-old man, originally from Tunisia, already known to the police, as he was arrested following a precautionary custody order issued by the GIP at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, for the crimes of mistreatment in the family and sexual violence.

The investigations were carried out by the Carabinieri of the Piazza Verdi Company, who physically executed the precautionary measure.

The military personnel from the Palermo – Oreto station who conducted the investigation that arose from the complaint, in December 2023, of a 29-year-old compatriot of the suspect, who one afternoon, near via Maqueda, during a furious argument with the latter, had managed to attract the attention of some passers-by by screaming for help and immediately receiving assistance from the Carabinieri.

Palermo, picchiata e segregata in casa. In carcere il compagno aguzzino

That moment proved to be decisive for the fate of the woman and for the start of the delicate investigative activity of the men of the Carabinieri who, under the careful direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office and through the dramatic story of the unfortunate woman, romantically linked to the 30-year-old and arrived clandestinely in Italy, encouraged by the promise of a better life and the reassurances of her ex-partner, instead outlined to the soldiers the dark contours of a real "prison".

The girl was in fact locked up in the house by the man, her alleged jailer, and forced to cut herself off from the world, without any freedom to leave the house or have contact with other people, even deprived of her cell phone.

A captivity that would have also been marked by physical and psychological violence, by repeated abuse and death threats, suffered by the woman held in the grip of her tormentor who, to silence her, would have threatened to repatriate her.

Palermo, picchiata e segregata in casa. In carcere il compagno aguzzino

Every attempt by the victim to escape during the two months of her stay in Italy was in vain, as she was promptly found and brought back home by the suspect, until that day in December last year.

The scrupulous technical activity of the Carabinieri, thanks also to the inspection of the places indicated by the complainant, carried out by the personnel of the Scientific Investigations Section of the Provincial Command of Palermo, has allowed them to outline a serious circumstantial framework, substantially accepted in the precautionary measure, from which the obsessive attitude of the man emerges who, despite the ex-partner having been placed in a protected structure, would have attempted to contact her on various occasions, approaching her with the promise of a happier relationship if she withdrew the complaint against him. The victim's refusal to comply with the man's requests would however have unleashed yet another reaction of anger and physical aggression from the suspect towards the young woman.

The man is currently being held at the Lo Russo – Pagliarelli prison in Palermo.

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