Operation “Déjà-Vu”: the ROS arrests those responsible for trafficking people from Romania
The operation took place in collaboration with the Romanian police forces.
Operation “Déjà-Vu”: the ROS arrests those responsible for trafficking people from Romania
On the morning of 24 April the Carabinieri of the ROS, in collaboration with the Brigade for the Fight against Organized Crime of Brasov (Romania), in the provinces of Udine, Brescia and Vicenza, carried out searches on 6 under investigation for criminal conspiracy aimed at human trafficking and illegal immigration issued by the Italian and Romanian judicial authorities.
At the same time, the aforementioned police office, upon mandate from the Romanian Judicial Authority and for the same crime, executed a coercive precautionary measure against 10 subjects resident in Romania and 2 searches against the same number of suspects resident in Austria.
The "Déjà-Vu" operation of the ROS was launched by delegation of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Udine - following the tracing of 45 migrants on the Italian-Slovenian border near the territory of the municipality of Cividale del Friuli (UD) – in order to ascertain the possible existence of a larger and more branched organisation.
At the same time as the tracing of the migrants, two Egyptian citizens AW and GM and a Pakistani citizen MR, legally resident in Italy, were released on bail. for aiding and abetting illegal immigration.
The investigations carried out in the first phase of the investigation - in addition to clarifying that the movement of migrants took place upon payment of substantial sums of money by exploiting international money transfer circuits - highlighted the connections of one of the reported subjects with a larger organization specialized in migrant transport based in Romania.
The investigation was therefore developed in police and judicial cooperation with the Europol and Eurojust agencies, due to the investigative convergences detected in the “Dèjà-Vu” and “Prince” investigations, conducted respectively by the ROS and the Romanian Police.
The collaboration between the two police offices has therefore made it possible to reconstruct the structures of a transnational criminal association dedicated to human trafficking and illegal immigration, to identify the top management in 3 Pakistanis residing in Romania and another 15 Pakistanis and Romanians in charge of management and transport of migrants in Romanian, Italian and Austrian territory.
In particular, the illegal immigrants were first made to enter Romania, using work visas for fictitious hiring in companies attributable to the organisation, and were then transferred, hidden on board heavy vehicles, to Italy and Austria with the collaboration of other Pakistani associates and Romanians legally resident in the aforementioned countries.
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