Nettuno, criminal gang "specializing" in drug dealing and money laundering defeated
Operation “Land of Neptune”
Nettuno, criminal gang "specializing" in drug dealing and money laundering defeated.
Defeated a Nettuno a gang dedicated to recycling of stolen vehicles and by dealing of narcotic substances. Four people were arrested and six people were reported to be at liberty by the State Police.
In recent days, the agents of the Albano Traffic Police Subsection they carried out two pre-trial detentions in prison and one ai domiciliary and they carried out about ten house searches against members of a criminal group dedicated to disassembly e Recycling di stolen vehicles and to the dealing of narcotic substances of the type cocaine, hashish e marijuana.
The precautionary measures were issued by investigating judge of the Court of Velletri, following a detailed investigative activity coordinated by the Prosecutor's Office. An activity that was born last January, when the men of the Albano Laziale Traffic Police Subsection intervened in a body where they found a parked car that turned out to be stolen.
The investigative activity made it possible to identify the perpetrators of the crimes and to find them 20 vehicles, among which motorcycle, auto e vans, proceeds of theft, some of which have already been laundered through false nationalizations.
Investigators have ascertained that one of the members of the band, who had started a vehicle rental business, “sometimes it temporarily sold them to third parties”. Furthermore, it was found that he was also addicted to dealing of narcotic substances as they had been found in a previous search of his home cocaine, hashish e marijuana. For these reasons, he had already been arrested in the past.
Following previous investigative activities, the subject had been subjected to the precautionary measure of the arrest, during which it emerged that he had also involved his mother in the illicit activity. Furthermore, during the investigations, some sales of narcotic substances were ascertained to users who were then reported to the Prefecture of Rome.
Over the course of the investigation, approximately 180 grams of cocaine, 500 grams of hashish and 12 by marijuana and seized various registration documents which are part of a large blank batch stolen in 2014.
The house searches, carried out and ordered by the Velletri Prosecutor's Office, made it possible to find other narcotic substances for a total of approximately 4,5 kg of hashish and 25 grams of cocaine as well as a small quantity of marijuana. Always during the activity they were replicas of firearms were found and seized, a bulletproof vest and numerous bullets of different calibers. All this led to the arrest of two other women involved in the organization.
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