Naples, former school custodian dies ten years ago, heirs illegally occupy the institute's accommodation: damage to the treasury of over 25 thousand euros
The relatives of the former caretaker, who died over ten years ago, illegally occupied his accommodation at the school, and also exploited the water supply. One of the relatives was arrested for growing marijuana in the schoolyard. The directors of the "Ignazio di Loyola" comprehensive school were reported by the Carabinieri and the Court of Auditors and asked for damages of over 25 thousand euros, as they knew about the situation and did nothing.
Naples, former school custodian dies ten years ago, heirs illegally occupy the institute's accommodation: damage to the treasury of over 25 thousand euros
After an intense investigation activity carried out from the Operational Core of the Naples Carabinieri Company Vomero and coordinated by the Regional Prosecutor's Office for Campania at the Court of Auditors, it has been notified to several Headmasters pro tempore of the State Comprehensive Institute “Ignatius of Loyola”, located in Naples at Via S. Ignazio di Loyola n. 3, an invitation to deduce which contests negligent conduct which caused treasury damage for a total of 26.775 euros.
The disputed facts concern the former accommodation of the school custodian, now deceased for over ten years, and since then illegitimately occupied by his heirs, who over time have also unduly used the water supply that serves the institute.
The investigations have allowed us to ascertain a culpable inertia on the part of the School Management pro tempore, which, having learned from the occupants themselves that they intended to continue to carry out their duties illegally, failed to report this state of affairs. In particular, failure to report to the local authority (owner of the asset) prevented the latter from undertaking, promptly, the necessary protective actions to achieve the liberation of the premises and takes action to demand the sums owed by the occupant as compensation, before these were decimated by prescription.
Among the people identified by the military during the inspection was also a family member of the former custodian which, in the past, he had been arrested because he was caught growing marijuana plants in the school courtyard, adjacent to the accommodation.
It also emerged from the investigations that, in some cases, the School Management pro tempore even provided the illegal occupants with the alarm codes of the school, with obvious negative repercussions on the security of the teaching material stored.
The occupation of these premises has also caused damage to the educational offer, standing the impossibility of reusing them to meet the need for classrooms, and interfered with the proper functioning of the educational institution, given the presence of outsiders in contact with young school children and who had indiscriminate access to school environments.
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