Naples, a balcony collapses in Scampia: 2 dead and 13 injured

 The 7 children involved are between 2 and 8 years old

Naples, a balcony collapses in Scampia: 2 dead and 13 injured.

They are a 29-year-old man, died instantly, e a 35 year old woman, who died upon arrival at the hospital, the victims of collapse of the balcony in Scampia (Naples), which occurred last night at Vela Celeste.

The building was evacuated. The 7 children involved (13 injured in total) are between 2 and 8 years old. For them traumas, fractures and bruises.

The prefect of Naples, Michele of Bari, immediately activated the Ccs, rescue coordination center. In the prefecture of Naples he took stock of the situation to manage the interventions to secure the area and assist the people left homeless. At his side the mayor of Naples, Gaetano Manfredi, with whom Bari was engaged in a on-site inspection and all the components of the rescue coordination center.

The prefect has ordered i surveillance and anti-profiteering services by the police, as the building has been evacuated, while the mayor of Naples has organized the assistance of social services on site. During the night, the prefect and the mayor also met with some councilors of the municipality to ensure the residents of Vela the maximum possible support, while still maintaining the need, at the moment, to evacuate the building. At 12.30:XNUMX, within the Rescue Coordination Center, an update on the situation will be made.

The police have opened an investigation into the matter. No hypothesis is excluded. The most accredited is that of a structural failure but to be sure it will be necessary to complete the checks by the Fire Brigade.

Immediately after the collapse, which occurred around 23pm, many people poured into the street between the fear of new collapses and the apprehension for the people involved. Numerous emergency vehicles were brought to the scene with several ambulances which transferred the injured to hospital.

The Vela Celeste is one of the last ones left standing in Scampia, after the previous demolition of the other Sails, decided to give more dignified accommodation to the residents and cancel the stigma of "Gomorrah" from the neighborhood.

Napoli, crolla un ballatoio a Scampia 2 morti e 13 feriti

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