Murder Marcello Bruzzese, brother of justice collaborator Girolamo: 4 suspects arrested
On 4 October 2021, the ROS Carabinieri, with the support in the executive phase of the Provincial Commands of Ancona, Reggio Calabria, Catanzaro, Brescia, Naples, Turin, Pesaro, Vibo Valentia and the Special Intervention Group (GIS), have implemented two arrest orders for a crime suspect issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office, issued by the District Prosecutor's Offices of Ancona and Reggio Calabria. The recipients of the measures are four subjects seriously suspected of participating in a mafia-type association, murder, carrying and illegal possession of weapons, the latter crimes aggravated by having committed the facts in order to facilitate the mafia-type association called 'Ndrangheta.
The detailed investigative activities were started by the District Prosecutor's Office of Ancona following the murder of BRUZZESE Marcello, committed on 25.12.2018 in Pesaro, where the interested party resided in a protected location, as he was the brother of the BRUZZESE justice collaborator Girolamo Biagio, already part of the "CREA" gang of Rizziconi (RC) and from which he dissociated himself in 2003 after having made an attempt on the life of CREA Teodoro, head of the aforementioned gang, in October of the same year.
The investigative activities which lasted for almost three years - which led to the identification of VR, TM and CF as the organizers and material executors of the crime - made it possible to reconstruct the various phases in which the murder project was completed. The complex checks carried out made it possible to ascertain how in the periods immediately preceding the murder the suspects had conducted meticulous and repeated inspections to study the habits of the victim, using, in these circumstances, false documents and a series of measures useful to prevent the own identification. In this regard, it was also ascertained that the suspects had extended the inspection and monitoring activities also to BRUZZESE Marcello's brothers, residing in other and different protected locations. With this in mind, the interested parties had also made attempts to contact the BRUZZESEs on the web, through fictitious accounts.
The investigations of the District Prosecutor's Office of Reggio Calabria, carried out in synergy and close operational coordination with that of Ancona, complete the reconstructive picture as they place TM in the Calabrian mafia context. In fact, the interested party was also reached by the precautionary measure issued by the Reggio prosecutor's office as he was seriously suspected of belonging to the 'ndrangheta and in particular to the CREA gang, as CREA's trusted man Domenico cl. 82, top exponent of the aforementioned mafia organization. The restrictive measure also concerned LV, also under investigation for being a participant in the CREA gang, who over time had close relations with the CREA gang leader Teodoro cl. 39. In the context described, it emerged that TM and LV - subjects at the disposal of the interests of the association - were planning more murderous attacks in the interest of the aforementioned CREA Domenico, also in retaliation for the issuing of the conviction issued on 12.12.2020 by the Court of Appeal of Reggio Calabria against CREA Teodoro, CREA Giuseppe cl 78 and CREA Antonio cl 63. The involvement of CF in the planning of murder attacks also emerged.
The vast compendium of evidence collected from the activities conducted by the ROS has made it possible to limit the motive for the murder to transversal revenge, in the interest of the CREA gang, for the collaborative decision taken by BRUZZESE Girolamo Biagio in 2003. This is in the consideration that it is not no alternative causal factor attributable to personal relationships between the perpetrators of the murder and the victim has been identified and that the propaganda of the justice collaborator BRUZZESE did not concern the suspects.
A strategic value must therefore be attributed to the murder, as it is necessary to underline the perpetuation of the operations of the "CREA" gang and its ability to intimidate, as well as to discourage further collaborative defections within the clique.
The investigations conducted by the ROS, under the direction of the District Prosecutors of Ancona and Reggio Calabria, are part of a broader strategy to combat the 'ndrangheta conducted by the Carabinieri throughout the national territory aimed at identifying mafia presences and breaking up the structures, now widespread in various parts of Italy and abroad.
At the same time, the District Attorney's Office of Brescia, in the same investigative context, issued other precautionary measures.
The complex investigative activities were coordinated by the National Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate.
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