Montesilvano: services for the prevention of home burglaries, one arrest by the Carabinieri

Following personal searches, a switchblade was found hidden in the trousers of one of the two arrested.

Montesilvano: services for the prevention of home burglaries, one arrest by the Carabinieri

The operations of the Carabinieri in the Adriatic city continue constantly and intensified to the fight against and repression of illicit activities. The military personnel of the Montesilvano Carabinieri Company are currently carrying out targeted judicial police activities aimed at preventing crimes in general, with particular attention paid to on burglaries in apartments and parked cars.

On November 9th, precisely within the scope of these services, a patrol on duty of the NOR Radiomobile Unit of Montesilvano while passing through the With Milano, noted two subjects of Tunisian origin wandering around suspiciously in the vicinity of the houses, they constantly looked around and approached the entrances and then suddenly moved away. The soldiers, therefore, alarmed by this behavior, proceeded to stop them promptly to subject them to a judicial police check.

The Carabinieri's suspicions were well-founded as, following personal searches, A switchblade was found hidden in the trousers of one of the two arrested.

On this occasion it was ascertained that neither of the two young people, respectively cl. 2006 and 2005, was in possession of identification documents reason why they were taken to the offices of the Carabinieri Company for the purpose of proceeding with their complete identification.

During the identification procedures carried out, it emerged that the individual, born in 2006, had a pending case a precautionary custody order issued on November 4th by the Court of Bolzano for the crimes of carrying weapons or objects capable of causing offence, assault and personal injury.

For these reasons, at the end of the activities, the man was declared in a state of arrest and once the formal procedures were completed, he was transferred to the Pescara prison where he will remain detained at the disposal of the judicial authorities.

Montesilvano: servizi per la prevenzione dei furti in abitazione, un arresto dei Carabinieri

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