Messina: Attacks and robs an elderly woman who had called him for gardening work, 60-year-old arrested

The precautionary measure was issued and promptly carried out by the Carabinieri against the suspect.

Messina: attacks and robs an elderly woman who had called him for gardening work, 60-year-old arrested.

The Carabinieri of the Taormina Company have executed an order for the application of the precautionary measure in prison, issued by the GIP of the Court of Messina, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, against a 60-year-old from Catania, in relation to the crimes of aggravated robbery in a home and personal injury to the detriment of an elderly local woman.

The precautionary measure arises from the investigative activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the Forza d'Agrò Station and the Operational Unit of the Taormina Company, coordinated by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Messina, started on April 18, when an elderly woman from the area reported having been attacked and robbed by the 60-year-old suspect who was at her home doing gardening work. In particular, the accused reported that, after having finished some gardening work, the criminal had hit her on the head causing her to fall to the ground unconscious and, after having removed three gold rings from her fingers, he had also robbed her of some silverware.

The subsequent phase of the investigation, developed through the analysis of the footage from the surveillance cameras positioned in the areas affected by the event, and the subsequent photographic identification carried out through the databases used by the police forces, allowed the Carabinieri to document facts and circumstances which fully confirmed the statements made by the victim and which gave reason to believe that the serious indications of guilt that emerged against the suspect existed.

During the investigation phase, important and fundamental feedback was also obtained from the acquisition and analysis of telephone records, through which it was possible to ascertain that the mobile telephone account registered in the name of the suspect had been connected to the Forza d'Aquila cell. 'Agrò, right in the area of ​​the victim's home, at the same time and on the same day in which the crime was committed.

The serious indications of guilt that emerged from the investigative activity of the military of the Arma, summarized in a report sent to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Messina, were welcomed by the GIP of the Court of Messina who issued the precautionary measure, promptly executed by the Carabinieri against the suspect.

Aggredisce e rapina un’anziana che lo aveva chiamato per lavori di giardinaggio, arrestato 60enne. #cronaca #messina #sicilia

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