Matera: One pretended to be a Carabinieri Marshal, the other went to collect the money. Two scammers arrested

The Carabinieri of the Matera Company, as part of targeted services aimed at combating scams against the elderly, arrested a 35-year-old and a 23-year-old, both from Naples, caught red-handed.

Matera: one pretended to be a Carabinieri Marshal, the other went to collect the money. Two scammers arrested.

The Carabinieri of the Matera Company, in the context of targeted services aimed at combating scams against the elderly, they arrested a 35-year-old and a 23-year-old, both from Naples, caught red-handed.

Following several reports on the 112 user from citizens who reported having received phone calls from people which, passing itself off as lawyer o marshal of the Carabinieri, had attempted to induce them to hand over money to avoid the arrest of a relative, the Operations Centre of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Matera ascertained that all the reports came from a specific area of ​​the city.

So, in the area where the scammers were probably operating, several patrols of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus promptly converged. Personnel in civilian clothes of the Operational Section began to patrol the area, thus managing, to identify a man who, sitting at the wheel of a car stopped right nearby of one of the houses from which the calls had come, looked around cautiously.

The person, with a clear Campanian accent, did not give any convincing explanations about his presence in Matera, limiting himself to saying that he was waiting for a friend whose name he could not say. This made the military even more suspicious and they deepened the check, finding elements that gave certainty on the fact that these fbones there to commit illegal activities together with another accomplice. Having received this confirmation, the men of the Operations Section immediately went to the building located nearby from where, at that moment, they saw a boy coming out clutching a briefcase in his hand.

The young man, also of Campanian origin, was stopped and subjected to a check and found in possession of a large quantity of gold jewellery and ornaments, all stored inside his briefcase. He immediately ascertained that the valuables were the proceeds of the fraud, consumed a few minutes before, to the detriment of an elderly ladyto a resident of the very building from which the individual found in possession of the stolen goods had just left.

The two individuals, after the military had acquired further information regarding their responsibilities in relation to the fraud, were then taken to the Carabinieri offices in Matera and declared under arrest, after notifying the Public Prosecutor on duty of the Public Prosecutor's Office of Matera who ordered her transfer to the local prison. The jewelry proceeds of the scam, fully recovered, were returned to the unfortunate woman.

It should be noted, however, that the investigations carried out so far are in the preliminary investigation phase and require subsequent procedural verification in cross-examination with the defense.

This is yet another operation carried out by the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Matera within the framework of the activities to combat this type of crime which sees the weakest segments of the population as victims, confirms how high the attention is towards the phenomenon. The targeted action of territorial control carried out by the Carabinieri patrols proves, as always, decisive, especially when it is associated with the collaboration and timely warning by citizens.

For some time now the Carabinieri at a national level have assumed effective initiatives to protect vulnerable subjects, including the elderly, especially in relation to scams: an increasingly widespread and current phenomenon, which targets fragile people, leaving indelible marks on them. In addition to the economic damage and the psychological trauma of the invasion of their domestic space, the victims also suffer the sense of guilt of having been defrauded. The scammers take advantage of the emotional sensitivity and physical fragility of the elderly to gain their trust, with the most disparate methods.

In this context, the Arma is carrying out a communication campaign aimed at the most affected part of the population from this type of crime, in order to strengthen prevention and increase the social reassurance function. The testimonial of the campaign is the famous actor Lino Banfi, who, due to the profound esteem he has for the Institution and his particular sensitivity towards issues of legality, immediately showed himself available, with the great generosity that characterizes him, to cover this very important role.

Matera: uno si fingeva un Maresciallo dei Carabinieri, l'altro andava a riscuotere il denaro. Arrestati due truffatori 2

The choice of “Grandfather of Italy” was inspired by the need and desire to get even closer to the elderly, with the main aim of transmitting in a direct and effective way useful tips to protect yourself from scams. For this reason, the actor immediately accepted the invitation of the Carabinieri.

In the advert, broadcast on the social platforms of the Arma and in the media, Lino Banfi and the Station Commander of the neighborhood where he lives warn viewers against scams.

During a conversation with "his" Station Commander, Banfi, with the'unmistakable style that distinguishes it, tells of some of his acquaintances who have been scammed, and then leaves the scene to the Marshal of the Carabinieri who urges the public to pay maximum attention and to confidently turn to the Carabinieri by calling 112. The advert also invites you to consult the website, which illustrates the main types of scams and how to recognize them. The techniques adopted by scammers, in fact, however sneaky and imaginative, have recurring patterns: identifying them is the first step in defending yourself.

In addition to this initiative, it was a poster was created and displayed in all the barracks, in parishes and meeting places for the elderly, as well as a foldable brochure to be distributed to citizens. In a clear and simple way, they are indicated the advices to avoid falling victim to scams including: be careful when opening the door to strangers, be wary of appearances, limit your confidence on the Internet.

The absolute protagonists of the social reassurance mission of the Arma are the Carabinieri Stations, which live the communities, representing ever-present and reliable points of reference.

And this is why the Station Commanders hold training meetings in places of worship, at municipal offices and care/recreational facilities for the elderly, with the distribution of information brochures; they maintain contacts with the directors of credit institutions and post offices, to share information on suspected cases; they develop collaborations with information bodies and local institutions to raise public awareness.

Matera: uno si fingeva un Maresciallo dei Carabinieri, l'altro andava a riscuotere il denaro. Arrestati due truffatori

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