
Marino: 12-year-old stabs classmate, Guarantor Monica Sansoni on the incident

The Guarantor of childhood and adolescence of the Lazio Region, Monica Sansoni: "Immediately suitable interventions and structured projects, for the processing of experiences and traumas, the management of conflict and dynamics activated following what happened"

Marino: 12-year-old stabs classmate, Guarantor Monica Sansoni on the incident

"I spoke with the headmaster of the A. Vivaldi' secondary school in Marino, in the province of Rome, Paolino Gianturco, where last Monday a twelve-year-old girl injured a peer, and I made available to the institute, the teachers, the children involved and their families all the resources we have, to understand what happened and implement the appropriate interventions". Thus the Guarantor of childhood and adolescence of the Lazio Region, Monica Sansoni, on the matter of the twelve year old that last Monday he stabbed his classmate, accused of having 'I snitched', revealing to the teacher that he had seen her copying an assignment.

“Our structure – continued the Guarantor-, together with the Anti-Violence Center for Minors and Adolescents Victims of Crime of the Lazio Region, active in the Diocesan Family Counseling Center of Latina, where the restorative justice offices are also located, is ready to intervene, to help all the people involved. In agreement with the school principal, suitable interventions and structured projects will be activated, for the processing of experiences and traumas, the management of conflict and the dynamics activated following what happened”.

"The goal is to support both the injured minor and the perpetrator of the act of violence, their families, but also the class, the parents of other students, the entire school and the teachers. We will face together the conflicts arising from such a serious and disturbing event", concluded the Guarantor which will be present in the school in the next few days for listen, guide and plan – together with the manager and the teachers – and evaluate the appropriate interventions with the help of some specialized psychologists.

Marino: 12enne accolta il compagno di classe, la Garante Monica Sansoni sull'accaduto

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