Lonato del Garda (BS), couple found dead in the house: the alarm raised by a neighbour

The bodies of a 50-year-old man from Brescia and his 45-year-old wife of Chinese origins were found

Lonato del Garda (BS), couple found dead in the house: the alarm raised by a neighbour.

A Lonato, in the province of Brescia, the carabinieri found i lifeless bodies of a 50 year old man, Italian, and of wife 45enne, of Chinese origins. The bodies were discovered in the 50-year-old's home, inside a residence with multiple apartments in via Madonna della Scoperta. 

The hypothesis the investigators are working on is that of a murder-suicide: both had the wrist veins cut. It seems that the woman's wounds were not self-inflicted, but there would be no other signs of violence on her body: it could have been a double, tragic extreme gesture, previously agreed upon.

The alarm was raised by a neighbour, who would have noticed traces of blood on the terrace. L'autopsy it has already been arranged and will be carried out tomorrow.

Lonato del Garda (BS), coppia trovata morta in casa l allarme lanciato da un vicino

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