Lodi, online pedophile network destroyed: 215 thousand videos and photos of minors seized

It all started from a case of sexual abuse suffered by a minor by her father living in Lodi. The alleged tormentor had child pornography material in his computer devices, thanks to this material he allowed to bring to light a network of exchange of child pornography material and this led to four arrests and three reports.

Lodi, online pedophile network destroyed: 215 thousand videos and photos of minors seized

The Investigative Unit of the Carabinieri Provincial Command of Lodi, in April 2023 following of reporting of sexual abuse of a minor by the father, initiated investigative activities, ascertaining and documenting the violence committed. The events continued over time Provinces of Milano, Pavia and Lodi, places where the family nucleus has lived over time.

The arrest of the subject, a 46 year old resident in the province of Milano, occurred in May 2023 in execution of a precautionary custody measure in prison issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Milano, it allowed the acquisition of impressive material evidentiary, including thousands of child pornography video and photo files of different origins, present in the IT devices seized and in use by the arrested person. The same in the current month of May was convicted by the Court of Milano, with a first degree sentence, to a sentence of 12 years and a fine of 50.000 euros.

Subsequent forensic copies and analysis of computer media subjected to seizure, carried out by the specialized personnel "Telematic investigation operators" of the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Lodi, have made it possible to identify and dismantle a dense online network of communication and exchange of child pornography material, rooted in Italy and abroad, seizing approximately 215.000 files including images and videos of a child pornographic nature depicting minors of different nationalities.

In the course of the investigation, the findings obtained overall led to the arrest of 4 individuals in flagrante delicto residents in provinces of Milano, Brescia, Taranto and Bari, found in possession of a significant quantity of video and photographic material of a child pornography nature. The investigative activity was coordinated respectively with the Public Prosecutor's Offices of Milano, Brescia, Bari and Lecce with territorial jurisdiction.

The same investigative activity led to the referral of a further 3 people, one of whom resides in Germany and for whom the competent German Judicial Authority was interested.

This is communicated for the public relevance of the information, indicating that the presumption of not guilt exists in favor of the suspects until the eventual final sentence.Lodi, annientata rete di pedofili online: sequestrati 215mila video e foto di minori

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