Lipomo, they steal smartphones and smartwatches worth over 3000 euros from an electronics store. A Georgian arrested by the State Police and one reported

The State Police arrested a 36-year-old Georgian for aggravated theft in competition, caught stealing goods inside a large electronics warehouse in Lipomo (Como)

Lipomo (Como), they steal smartphones and smartwatches worth over 3000 euros from an electronics store. A Georgian arrested by the State Police and one reported

The State Police, in the early afternoon on Saturday, arrested a 36 year old Georgian for aggravated theft in competition, domiciled in Milano, with a police record for property and immigration crimes and a few aliases collected over time, caught stealing goods inside a large electronics warehouse in Lipomo (Como).

At around 14.30:XNUMX pm, patrol cars intervened in a large electronics and household appliances warehouse in Lipomo, where a theft of goods had been reported in progress, with the thieves still inside the store. When the police arrived on the scene they immediately noticed that the manager of the center was chasing a man outside the store. The officers immediately understood the dynamics and proceeded to block him and secure him in the service car.

The first testimonies were collected and the dynamics of the facts were reconstructed, also thanks to the viewing of the surveillance cameras.

Como, fanno razzia di smartphone e smartwatch per oltre 3000 euro in un negozio di elettronica. Un georgiano arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato ed uno denunciato

In fact, by viewing the images, the officers ascertained that there were at least three individuals inside the store and, while the 36-year-old was disconnecting the burglar alarm cable and taking possession of phones and digital watches, an accomplice was hiding them on his person, while a third individual (identified as a 43-year-old Georgian with no criminal record, who remained in the store without opposing when the police arrived) was simply observing from a safe distance, acting as a lookout.

The intervention of the person in charge at the moment he noticed the theft, allowed him to recover two smartwatches worth almost 900 euros, one found directly in the hands of the 36-year-old while the other was found in the parking lot. Other objects remained in the possession of the third accomplice, who had managed to escape.

The two Georgians were taken to the police station to be identified, noting the police records and the aliases of the 36-year-old., (he is also required to reside in the municipality of Milan where he is domiciled). Having collected all the elements of guilt and the report of the shop owner, he was arrested for aggravated theft in competition while the accomplice was reported at liberty.. Informed of the dynamics of the facts and of the arrest carried out, the PM on duty ordered the detention of the 36-year-old in the holding cells of the Police Headquarters, setting his trial with the direct hearing for Monday morning at 11.00:XNUMX.

At the end of the trial he will be served with a notice to leave Como, in the meantime investigations are underway to identify the third accomplice, who managed to escape with the rest of the goods.

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