Licata (AG), a 53-year-old reported for online fraud
Already known to the police for similar crimes
Licata (AG), a 53-year-old reported for online fraud.
Last August 10th, a Licata (AG), the State Police referred it to the Judicial Authority a 53-year-old woman, from Naples, with specific precedents, as she was held responsible for the crime of online fraud.
In particular, the judicial referral arises from the complaint presented to the offices of the Licata Police Station by a man who, having to insure his vehicle, started looking for offers on the internet and, browsing the net, he found a site from which he requested a quote for RCA coverage for his car, which was considered very convenient.
Having made telephone contact with the alleged insurer, he received precise instructions on sending documentation and paying the fee for the insurance policy and, therefore, made the transfer by top-up on a PostePay prepaid card.
Once the top-up was carried out at a tobacconist, he sent a copy of the top-up to the presumed insurer from whom he received assurances that he would send the insurance certificate as soon as possible; in fact, after a short time, via WhatsApp, he received the insurance certificate from a well-known insurance company valid for one year.
The man, however, advised by a friend, checked the insurance coverage of his vehicle using an application on the internet, through which he realized that strangely the car appeared to be covered by the insurance policy, so he went to the police station offices and narrated what had happened to him.
From careful investigations, the officers identified the owner of the prepaid card to whom the payment had been made, who appeared to be a 53-year-old woman, already the author, with the same methods of execution, of similar crimes, who was therefore reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento as it was held responsible for the crime of online fraud.
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