Lecce: 53 fake farm workers, a 150.000 euro scam discovered

The fraud perpetrated against the State amounts to 150.000 euros, while the accumulated contribution debt is 85.000 euros.

Lecce: 53 fake farm workers, a 150.000 euro scam discovered

The Carabinieri of the Lecce Labor Inspectorate Unit, in collaboration with the staff of the INPS Surveillance Area of ​​Lecce, have brought to light a serious fraud against the State that has 53 farm workers involved and the owner of a farm.

Investigations revealed that from November 2018 to January 2024, the suspects have made fictitious hires with the sole purpose of benefiting from social security and welfare benefits for a total amount of 150.000 €.

Lecce: 53 falsi braccianti agricoli, scoperta una truffa da 150.000 euro

The agricultural company under investigation was found to be without a current account and any documentation certifying the payment of wages with traceability, as provided for by the current legislation (art. 1 co. 910-914 of law 205/2015). Consequently, the employment relationships reported to INPS were purely stationery and aimed exclusively at allow suspects to receive income support benefits, including Naspi (social insurance for employment), sickness, maternity and COVID benefits.

The fraud perpetrated against the State amounts to 150.000 €, while the the accumulated contribution debt is 85.000 euros. If the investigative activity had not taken place, the potential damage to the social security institution would have been approximately 300.000 €.

Lecce: 53 falsi braccianti agricoli, scoperta una truffa da 150.000 euro

All the suspects were reported to the Judicial Authority on the suspicion of fraud against the State.

This operation underlines the constant commitment of the Carabinieri in fight against fraud and to protect legality, thus ensuring the integrity of the social security and welfare system.

The Carabinieri of the Labour Inspectorate will continue to monitor and ensure that labour and social security regulations are respected, so that such situations cannot happen again.

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