Latina: Theft at the local headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance foiled, perpetrator arrested

The State Police arrests a man red-handed for attempted aggravated robbery.

Latina: Theft at the local headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance foiled, perpetrator arrested.

The State Police of Latina arrested OA, born in 1990, in flagrante delicto for the crime attempted aggravated theft occurred at the local headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In particular, late in the evening of May 21, the operations room of the Police Headquarters received a report from a man, who after forcing the entrance door, he entered the building located in via Pier Luigi Nervi and had took a TV monitor outside and then went back inside.

The flying squad police quickly went to the site, climbing over the fence to access the site in search of the reported subject; there they found some Smart TVs and other electronic devices in front of the entrance door and upon crossing the threshold, they surprised the reported man, intent on fiddling with a backpack in his hand in front of some vending machines.

The man, who did not resist at the sight of the operators, was immediately blocked and following the feedback received from the local video surveillance workers, who confirmed that he was the subject previously reported, they arrested him.

From an initial check it emerged that the arrested person had affected the rooms on floors 1, 2 and 5, from which, in various offices, he had taken the electronic material outside; he had also accessed the concierge room, where the police found damage to a monitor and a coffee machine.

Once the ritual investigations were completed, at the disposal of the Judicial Authority, the man was detained in the security rooms of the Police Headquarters awaiting immediate judgement.

Latina: sventato furto alla sede locale del Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze, arrestato

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