
Latina, Carabinieri anti-drug operation: 11 precautionary custody orders issued for drug trafficking

Following an investigative activity carried out between 2021 and 2022 by the Carabinieri of the Latina Investigative Unit in collaboration with the Rome District Anti-Mafia Directorate, they discovered an organization of the Di Silvo family who were dedicated to drug dealing.

Latina, Carabinieri anti-drug operation: 11 precautionary custody orders issued for drug trafficking

At the disposal of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Rome yesterday morning, in Latin and
province, the Investigative Unit of the Operational Department of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Latina together with to NORM (RadioMobile Operations Unit) - Operations Section of the Carabinieri Company of Latina supported in the executive phase by the Pratica di Mare Carabinieri Aircraft Group, the Ponte Galeria Dog Unit and the Carabinieri competent for the territory, they executed a precautionary custody order issued by the Preliminary Investigation Judge at the Court of Rome in against 11 people seriously suspected, in various capacities, to belong to an association aimed at drug trafficking.

More in particular, the investigation activity carried out by the Carabinieri of the Investigative Unit of Latina with the coordination of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Rome, developed between December 2021 and July 2022, originates from the declarations of a member of the investigated family who decided to make statements to the DDA in Rome.

The investigative activity was divided into observation services, classic investigation activity accompanied by technical interception activity, viewing of images from specially installed cameras and targeted feedback.

The incidents of drug trafficking reconstructed during the investigations, for which the investigating judge found the existence of serious evidence, they are placed in the context of a local association established for this purpose to purchase, hold and market, in the city of Latina, especially in the neighborhoods “Campo Boario” e “Nicolosi” large quantities of drugs such as hashish and cocaine.

Le investigations have made it possible to reconstruct the existence of a coterie, doing head of the Di Silvio family of Latina, devoted to drug trafficking and operating in Latina, in which, among others, took part individuals who are already repeat offenders in the specific sector of drug crimes, who with the role of leader, promoter and financier and who with the role of simple participant of the association, who ensured the stable supply of the drug dealing areas of Latina, almost 24 hours a day, thanks to consolidated experience gained in the sector, to one solid network of subjects dedicated to the marketing of the narcotic and using the women of the family as "lookouts".

During the investigation the Carabinieri have already proceeded to report several buyers of narcotic substances.

The case is still in the preliminary investigation phase, with the consequence that The principle of presumption of innocence applies to all suspects.

Latina, operazione antidroga dei Carabinieri: emesse 11 custodie Cautelari per traffico di stupefacenti

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