Invalsi Report 2024, the decline in Italian in the North and Center is worrying.
Mathematical emergency for 15 year olds South, but the drop in Italian al North part and Center. This is revealed by the data in the report Invalsi 2024.
All primaryinstead, children they “grow” in mathematics. The tests of the improve maturanti, even if they are not yet back to pre-Covid levels. Furthermore, students seem to know better theEnglish. The school dropout implicit - of those who do not reach the minimum acceptable levels of learning - touches the lowest value since the survey was made, 6,6%. The minister Valditara comments satisfied: «Shocking data».
Only 44% of 15 year olds South has basic skills Mathematics: it exists in these territories a real emergency in learning the subject. This is supported by Invalsi in the 2024 report. In particular, the Institute recalls that in secondary schools in 2020 and 2021 the tests were not held due to the pandemic.
This year in Italian 62% of male and female students (-1 point compared to 2023; -4 percentage points compared to 2022 and -8 points compared to 2019) reach at least basic level (i.e. level 3). The differences between central-northern and southern Italy remain consistent, even if a worrying decline is observed in the North West and the Centre.
In Mathematics, 55% of male and female students (+1 percentage point compared to 2022 and 7 percentage points compared to 2019) reach at least the basic level (i.e. level 3). The distance in results between the Centre-North and the South is reduced by a few percentage points as only the two southern macro-areas improve slightly compared to 2023. However, the share of male and female students who reach at least level 3 is further reduced in the South compared to the averages, going from 48% to 44%.
Only 48% of eighth graders in the South reach at least the basic level in Mathematics and this percentage drops dramatically to 39% in the South and Islands.
«An alarming fact», president Invalsi judged it, Roberto Ricci. As happened in 2023, the 2024 results also confirm that the decline in Italian and Mathematics seen between 2019 and 2021 has stopped, but unfortunately there has not yet been a reversal of the trend.
The outcomes of English (Both listening is reading) are instead in marked improvement.
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