
Criminal Infiltration in Northern Italy: Guardia di Finanza Makes 8 Arrests in the Provinces of Verona, Lodi and Crotone

'Ndrangheta-style criminal association involved in national railway construction sites.

Criminal Infiltration in Northern Italy: Guardia di Finanza Makes 8 Arrests in the Provinces of Verona, Lodi and Crotone

I Financiers of the Provincial Command of Lodi and Verona, with the support of the GICO of Catanzaro, executed a precautionary custody order issued by the Court of Milano at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office Milano — District Anti-Mafia Directorate. The investigation activity is in continuity with another already started by the Guardia di Finanza of Varese together with the GICO of Milano.

The Judge of the Court of Milano has arranged the pre-trial detention in prison for n. 2 associates and House arrest for 6 other members of the association, recognizing, for some, the aggravating circumstance of having facilitated the mafia-style organization of the Arena-Nicoscia clanThe Yellow Flames have seized, Furthermore, financial assets, company shares, real estate, means of transport and current accounts for almost 2,5 million, equivalent to the profit of the fraud perpetrated and to multiple distractions in the context of crimes of fraudulent bankruptcy.

Infiltrazioni di criminalità nel Nord Italia: Guardia di Finanza esegue 8 arresti in provincia di Verona, Lodi e Crotone

The investigative activities of the Guardia di Finanza have allowed us to reconstruct numerous commercial operations carried out by members of a Calabrese family, established for years in the provinces of Lodi and Verona, through a series of companies, some of which have already been the recipients of anti-mafia interdiction measures. In particular, the companies linked to the criminal association they issued invoices for non-existent transactions against companies operating in the public procurement sector for the maintenance of railway and underground lines and employing workers in railway construction sites, circumventing the public procurement regulations by disguising invoices for non-existent operations, secondments of workers.

Infiltrazioni di criminalità nel Nord Italia: Guardia di Finanza esegue 8 arresti in provincia di Verona, Lodi e Crotone

Starting from the events of one of the companies attributable to the criminal group, the investigators have reconstructed the numerous distracting operations that led to its bankruptcy, and have identified conduct of tax evasion and money laundering, through a system of companies registered to frontmen designed for the sole purpose of evading the provisions on anti-mafia prevention measures.

Infiltrazioni di criminalità nel Nord Italia: Guardia di Finanza esegue 8 arresti in provincia di Verona, Lodi e Crotone

Among the aforementioned illicit tax practices also the illegitimate perception of European ERDF funds (European Rural Development Fund) used as compensation for the payment of tax and social security debts for almost 1 million euros.

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