Belluno, three 19 year olds end up in trouble for drug dealing

The shop near the “Dolomieu” Professional Institute

Belluno, three 19 year olds end up in trouble for drug dealing.

Yesterday, the Belluno Flying Squad executed 2 precautionary measures, issued by the GIP at the Ordinary Court, at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office, for drug-related crimes.

The first, paid by LP, 19-year-old from Belluno, already subjected to the precautionary measure of compulsory residence in the Municipality of Ponte nelle Alpi, provides for the aggravation of this caution with the application of house arrest. The young man, who had no criminal record at the time, was arrested on February 17th by a Volanti crew in the Cavarzano area on charges of possession of approximately 100 g of hashish, as well as having with him the sum of 3400 euros in cash.

From this first initiative activity, the investigative activity of the Anti-Drug Section of the Flying Squad began, which made it possible to reconstruct the friendships and clientele of the young man, whom he met at the Polpet Recreation Center in Ponte nelle Alpi.

Precisely in that same period, the Mobile agents had been approached by the managers of the "Dolomieu" Professional Institute of Longarone, who had reported the suspicion that inside the school some students were addicted to drug use.

The investigation allowed us to identify RAS, 19 year old Italian from Longarone, like the pusher who supplied the students of the "Dolomieu" and which had the Longarone station as its base. The precautionary order against him provides for the application of the residence ban in the Municipality of Longarone, the place where the suspect's drug dealing place was located.

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