Como, territorial control intensified. Identification and inspections of public places. Sanctions also on the lake waters

The State Police, on Saturday just gone, intensified with greater incisiveness the presence of patrol cars in the Como area

Como, territorial control intensified. Identification and inspections of public places. Sanctions also on the lake waters

The State Police, on Saturday just gone, intensified with greater incisiveness the presence of patrol cars in the Como area, perfectly in line with what the Como Police Chief Marco Cali strongly requests, transmitting what is weekly arranged by the Prefect Corrado Conforto Galli, during the Technical Coordination Meetings that take place in the Prefecture.

Therefore, on Saturday 9 November, a day when the influx of tourists and people in the city is greater and the evening and nightlife takes hold, territorial control services were organised aimed at transmitting a sense of security to the citizens and guaranteeing the presence of the State Police on the streets of Como.

The UPGSP patrol cars were deployed in the most strategic points of the city, carrying out about ten checkpoints whereApproximately 60 cars were checked and more than 180 people were identified, most of whom had criminal or police records.

Como, intensificato il controllo del territorio. Identificazioni e ispezioni ai locali pubblici. Sanzioni anche sulle acque del lago

Also inspected were some public places located in those areas – via Anzani and piazza della Tessitrice – where the presence of the police forces is more required and where the consistency of the patrol cars in carrying out checks on customers allows the situation to be monitored as much as possible.

The checks and patrols on the territory are not carried out and are not limited exclusively to the road but also to the waters of Lake Como, in fact, the Internal Waters Section within the UPGSP, recently implemented in the organization, completes the security and legality situation in the province.

Also on Saturday afternoon, in addition to checks of the personal documents of drivers and of vessels present on the Lario, The nautical police have fined, with two separate reports, a 58-year-old Milanese entrepreneur who rents out boats in Como, caught sailing too close to the coast and for not having issued a copy of the rental contract to the customers he had on board.

All ordinary and extraordinary territorial control services will continue in the coming weeks, without stopping and with the same commitment.

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