Como: He was driving a car without a license and two knives appear during the check, 32-year-old reported

checks in the city, two reports

Como: He was driving a car without a license and two knives appear during the check, 32-year-old reported

The State Police has reported at liberty for illegal possession of weapons, a 32-year-old of Colombian origins, resident in the province of Pavia, stopped following an occasional check and found in possession of two knives.

The patrol cars set up a checkpoint in Via Varesina from which they subsequently ordered a BMW with Swiss license plates driven by the 32-year-old Colombian to stop. Once the various personal and vehicle documents have been requested It emerged that the man had his driving licence revoked as long as two years ago and that he had no right to drive a foreign vehicle on Italian soil.

A more thorough check allowed the police to find it inserted in the waistband of his trousers, a 21-centimeter switchblade and, in a readily accessible compartment in the trunk of the car, a second kitchen knife of the same length, weapons for which the 32-year-old was unable to provide a valid justification for possession.

He was taken to the police station reported at large for possession of weapons and administratively sanctioned for driving without a license, he will also be subsequently provided with a notice to leave Como, administrative seizure instead for the Swiss car which was entrusted to a city breakdown service.

Same fate for a 30 year old from Como living in the city, stopped during another checkpoint, this time at night and on Roosevelt Avenue. The man was on board a large maxi scooter but when asked to show his driving licence, he declared that he did not have one., in fact, the investigations revealed that, in addition to never having had an "A" license for driving motorcycles, he had been suspended from driving category “B” vehicles until next summer. The check on the vehicle instead allowed the officers to proceed with the administrative seizure of the vehicle for the lack of inspection, dating back to 2019.

Como: Guidava un'auto senza patente e dal controllo spuntano due coltelli, denunciato 32enne

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