Como: He abused his wife even in front of their children, 49-year-old repatriated

The 49-year-old was arrested in pre-trial detention in prison in September 2022 to serve a total sentence of 2 years and seven months in prison

Como: He abused his wife even in front of their children, 49-year-old repatriated

The State Police took care of accompanying a 49-year-old to the border, putting him on a flight to Morocco. Moroccan, convicted of crimes against the person and registered as resident in Lurago Marinone (CO). The man, released from prison on the same day, was also given notified of the rejection of the renewal of the residence permit and a new and definitive expulsion from Italy.

The decree rejecting the permit and expelling the 49-year-old Moroccan is the result of an investigation brought to the attention of the Como Police Chief Marco Calì who, through the specialists of the Immigration Office, took note of the countless crimes collected over time and the convictions received by the man regarding a series of mistreatments and injuries caused towards his wife, facts that have been repeated over time, with several violations of the restraining order that had been imposed on him and beatings towards the woman, crimes committed among other things, in the presence of the couple's minor children.

The 49-year-old was arrested in pre-trial detention in prison in September 2022 to serve a total sentence of 2 years and seven months in prison, until, after taking into account the discounts accumulated during his detention, he was released from prison and taken to the Police Headquarters, where the arrangements were already ready that saw him leave for his country on a direct flight.

Como: Maltrattava la moglie anche davanti ai loro figli, rimpatriato 49enne

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