Como, fight at the soup kitchen, then a knife appears, wounded in the abdomen ends up in hospital while the attacker flees. The next day they meet again on the street
A 23-year-old Egyptian with a police record, legal in the territory but without a fixed abode, was reported by the State Police for aggravated injuries through the use of weapons and illegal possession of a cutting weapon
Como, fight at the soup kitchen, then a knife appears, wounded in the abdomen ends up in hospital while the attacker flees. The next day they meet again on the street
The State Police reported a 23-year-old Egyptian man, with a criminal record, legal in the territory but without a fixed abode, for aggravated injuries caused by the use of weapons and illegal possession of a cutting weapon.
It all started on Thursday evening when, around midnight, following a report from health workers, patrol cars were sent to the emergency room at Valduce Hospital on Via Santo Carovaglio for a person with a stab wound to the abdomen.
On site, the officers found a 38-year-old Tunisian, illegal in the territory, without a fixed abode and with some police records, who from his first statements reported having had a heated argument inside the canteen of solidarity of via Don Guanella with an Egyptian, known only by sight, and who during the fight had stabbed him twice, which had injured him in the abdomen and a leg. The 38-year-old also described the clothing and physical features of his attacker, specifying that the man was wearing a red wool hat.
The officers immediately began searching the area for the man, but without success, while the 38-year-old was treated by paramedics and remained under observation overnight.
The patrol cars were sent to Via Cesare Battisti, following a report received by 112 NUE indicating two non-EU citizens arguing heatedly while one of the two was brandishing a knife.
Once the police arrived at the scene of the report, they were surprised to find the 38-year-old Tunisian who in the meantime had voluntarily left the hospital and facing him was a boy with a knife in his hand and a red wool hat on his head. Once the attacker was disarmed, they were both taken to the police station where, once identified, the 38-year-old Tunisian was verbalized and then returned to medical care, while the 23-year-old Egyptian, who already had the obligation to sign in at the police station, was reported at liberty for aggravated assault and illegal possession of a cutting weapon.
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