Horror in France: kidnaps and kills 6-year-old stepdaughter

Celya murdered with a violent blow to the head, her mother injured

Horror in France: kidnaps and kills 6-year-old stepdaughter.

Horror in France, where a 42enne ha rapt and then killed la 6 year old stepdaughter on the night between Friday and Saturday, in the northern region of Seine-Maritime, in what the little girl's mother celya, stabbed by her partner, defined it as the consequence of a «rapt of madness».

According to the statements provided by the woman, the man, already known to justice for drug-related crimes, «he brutally slammed Célya to the ground» after a couple's argument at the end of the day on Friday.

"It was like a fit of madness", said the mother, who is hospitalized. When she tried to protect the child, he lashed out at her "several stab wounds", which they provoked «nine shallow wounds», declared the magistrate Frédéric Teillet during a press conference. 

The mother ran out of the house to call for help, but upon arrival they could only see that the little girl had disappeared and with her her stepfather.

The kidnapping alert issued Friday evening triggered a manhunt with 200 gendarmerie soldiers, supported by a helicopter and reports from residents.

A few hours later the suspect's vehicle was found three kilometers from the house, in a wooded area, as well Célya's lifeless body. 

You guys he specified that "the medical examiner (...) was able to carry out an external examination which highlighted signs of extreme violence, a serious skull fracture of the little girl at the back of the head which most likely caused her death".

The alleged murderer was arrested shortly after 6 this morning while trying to get out of the woods near their home in Betteville, he said Stéphane Gauffeny, head of the gendarmerie for the Normandy region.

Orrore in Francia rapisce e uccide figliastra di 6 anni

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