Gricignano di Aversa: for money he attacks his 17-year-old son by throwing a glass bottle at him, sticking him with a fork and hitting him with several punches to the head. 38-year-old arrested
It happened on Saturday 28 September in Gricignano d'Aversa where a 38-year-old man, currently under probation, first attacked his live-in partner and then attacked her 17-year-old son, who had rushed to his mother's defense.
Gricignano di Aversa: for money he attacks his 17-year-old son by throwing a glass bottle at him, sticking him with a fork and hitting him with several punches to the head. 38-year-old arrested.
It happened on Saturday 28th September in Gricignano d'Aversa where a 38 year old, currently under probation, first attacked the cohabiting partner and then he lashed out at his 17-year-old son, rushed to his mother's defense.
It was the 17-year-old himself who alerted the military immediately after being attacked by his father who had first thrown at a glass beer bottle, missing it, then attempted to ipierce it with a kitchen fork, without success and, finally, grabbed him by the neck and hit him with punches to the head.
When the Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Marcianise Company reached the place they immediately noticed the presence on the street of the man, already known for his judicial record, who he was wandering around the house in a very agitated state.
Even in the presence of the military, the 38-year-old he tried to attack his son again, without success because it was promptly blocked.
According to what was later reconstructed by the Carabinieri, the attack, yet another one, would have arisen from his partner's refusal to give him the money that man continuously he demanded both from the same partner and by two of the three youngest children.
Shortly before attacking his partner and her son, the man he had left home in search of his second daughter (also a minor), had gone out for a walk, with the aim of getting some money from her but, not having found her, had then returned home and carried out the attack first against her partner and then against her son who had rushed to his mother's defence.
Arrested by the Carabinieri, he was taken to the prison of Santa Maria Capua Vetere at the disposal of the Judicial Authority.
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