Genoa, steals a scooter without a license and armed with a knife: 49-year-old reported

Genoa Police reported a 49-year-old on Sunday evening for the crimes of aggravated theft, driving without a license and possession of weapons.

Genoa, steals a scooter without a license and armed with a knife: 49-year-old reported

In Via Siffredi, 20.45pm  the State Police of Genoa he reported Sunday evening a 49-year-old for the crimes of aggravated theft, driving without a license and for possession of weapons and objects capable of offending.

The agents of a squad car from the General Prevention and Public Relief Office (UPGSP), during their regular patrol, they noticed the 49-year-old on board a scooter and decided to check him.
During his identification the man admitted to the operators that he had stolen the motorbike a few weeks before and to be without a driving license.

At that point the policemen, after ascertaining that the scooter had been stolen on April 25th, they tracked down the owner for the return.

The 49enne, driving without ever having obtained a license, was also found in possession of a switchblade; furthermore the agents discovered that the latter, with several criminal records, is currently on probation with an obligation to stay at your home from 20.00 pm to 08.00 am, so, given the time of your check, at 20.45pm, the relevant report was made to the competent body.

Genova, ruba uno scooter senza patente e armato di un coltello: denunciato 49enne

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