Genoa, “Jad Mobile 7” operation by the Highway Police to combat trafficking and the recycling of cars of criminal origin
From 7 to 18 October 2024, the Liguria Highway Police Department participated in a large international operation, called "Joint Action Day (JAD) Mobile 7", aimed at countering the international trafficking of vehicles of illicit origin.
Genoa, “Jad Mobile 7” operation by the Highway Police to combat trafficking and the recycling of cars of criminal origin
From 7 to 18 October 2024, the “Liguria” Traffic Police Department participated in a large international operation, called “Joint Action Day (JAD) Mobile 7”, aimed at combating international trafficking of vehicles of illicit origin.
The operation, which involved the maritime borders of Genoa and Savona and the land border of Ventimiglia, was attended by the judicial police team of the Genoa Highway Patrol Department and the Judicial Police units of Genoa-Sampierdarena, Imperia, La Spezia and Savona.
The operation allowed the identification of 287 individuals, including two reported at large as alleged perpetrators of the crimes of forgery and money laundering, and the control of 175 vehicles, three of which were subjected to criminal seizure.
In particular, at the port of Genoa, the operators employed carried out checks on the car driven by a French-Algerian citizen departing for Tunis. Upon completion of the checks, they found that the car, on which French nationality plates had been installed linked to documents belonging to another vehicle of the same type, had all the identification data falsified.
Despite the meticulous and peculiar counterfeiting work carried out on the car, investigators were able to identify the real origin of the vehicle, stolen a few days earlier in Lille, France.
The forty-year-old driver, presumed perpetrator of the crime of money laundering, was arrested and taken, by order of the Judicial Authority, to the Genoa Marassi District Prison. The car, however, was seized in order to be returned to its rightful owners.
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