Gallarate: mother and son, multiple criminals, caught while carrying out another theft, reported.
Gallarate: mother and son, multiple criminals, caught while carrying out another theft, reported.
On the afternoon of Saturday 2 December, the State Police of Gallarate (Varese) intervened at a well-known electronics shop where the manager had reported the presence of a boy and a woman who were wandering around the aisles in a rather suspicious manner. .
The couple, approached by the agents of the State Police Commissariat, probably for evade any necessary control, began to take on a surly and not at all cooperative attitude that made it necessary to accompany them to the office even just for proceed with their exact identification.
The next personal search carried out on the boy allowed it to be found in the pocket of the jacket he was wearing a power supply just stolen from the store's pallets as well as his identity card which he had declared he did not have, clearly with the intention of concealing his personal details. The boy, in fact, turned out to be counted various criminal prejudices also for thefts perpetrated with the same modus operandi and in the company of the same woman, who turned out to be his mother. Furthermore, the boy was just twenty years old and living out of town having already been arrested in recent weeks for other thefts and was also subject to the precautionary measures of the obligation to report to the Judicial Police and the obligation to reside in Busto Arsizio ordered by the Court of Busto Arsizio.
La woman instead, accomplice of her son and with her own full-bodied "criminal excursus" characterized by a series of crimes against property, recently reported for having committed a theft in the province of Como and already subjected to the prevention measure of the oral warning of the Police Commissioner, during the accompaniment in the police station, he tried to hiding in his company car an expensive cell phone that he had just stolen from the same shop.
At the end of the concurrent judicial police activity, the officers reported the mother and son at large and jointly for the crimes of aggravated theft and resisting a public official.
Then on the morning of December 9th, following the report made by the Gallarate State Police regarding the aforementioned reati and the violation of the obligation to stay previously committed by the boy, the operators of the investigative section tracked him down at his home and accompanied him to the Busto Arsizio prison, in execution of the new provision issued by the competent Judge who, with a specific Order and in replacement of the previous precautionary measure considered evidently no longer adequate, ordered his capture and subsequent detention in prison.
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