Funds: fight against gender violence, special surveillance measure applied to a 45-year-old

Despite being denounced by his two ex-girlfriends for his violent and persecutory attitudes, he continued to reiterate his conduct as soon as he was released.

Funds: fight against gender violence, special surveillance measure applied to a 45-year-old.

The Fondi State Police proceeded to subject a citizen born in 79, resident in the same municipality, to the personal prevention measure of special Public Security surveillance for a period of two years.

As part of the monitoring activities to combat the sad and current phenomenon of gender and domestic violence, the individual stood out due to the characteristics of his modus operandi, causing particular social alarm.

Already burdened by small judicial precedents and with a past characterized by alcohol and drug abuse, he reserved for his relatives and women romantically linked to him, repeated explosions of violence, with increasingly frequent intervals, forcing the victims to continually request the intervention of the police forces.

Despite being denounced by his two ex-girlfriends for his violent and persecutory behaviour, and despite being imprisoned for a year and a half, he continued to reiterate his conduct as soon as he was released, appearing aggressive even towards doctors and operators of the Police Force. Order and other representatives of the institutions.

Endowed with an apparent lack of empathy, he has always struggled to accept the breakup of tortuous romantic relationships, worn out by his own possessive and disturbing conduct, furthermore the recurrent search for rapprochement, the explosions of violence in couple relationships and in the context of his family of origin with constant demands for money, have evoked scenarios that are more alarming today than ever.

Threatening, beating, persecuting, smashing everything seemed to have become an imperative.

These are the reasons that led the staff of the Fondi police station to formulate the request to the Police Headquarters of Latina for the application of special surveillance for a period of two years, reasons which, accepted and elaborated by the Anti-Crime Division of the Police Headquarters of Latina, convinced the Judges of the Court of Rome, Prevention Measures Section, regarding the need for the imposition of what was requested, trusting that it can act as a suitable deterrent to attenuate his violent inclination.

The prevention measure was also accompanied by further specific requirements with respect to the needs of the case, in fact the subject will not be able to approach the places usually frequented by the offended people, including workplaces, and will not be able to communicate with them in any way, let alone electronically. , will have to return home in the evening no later than 21,30 pm and will not be able to leave until 6,30 am.

Fondi: contrasto alla violenza di genere, applicata la misura della sorveglianza speciale di P.S. nei confronti di un 45enne.

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