Fondi, new extraordinary territorial control service. 131 vehicles and 297 people were checked, including two citizens responsible for sexual violence

Forced repatriation to their country of origin is being organized for the two

Fondi, new extraordinary territorial control service. 131 vehicles and 297 people were checked, including two citizens responsible for sexual violence.

The State Police - Latina Police Headquarters has undertaken an action strengthening of territorial control services, aimed at combating the criminal events that fuel the sensation of perceived insecurity, with particular reference to predatory crimes.

With this in mind, the policemen of the Fondi PS Commissariat, collaborated by the crews of the Lazio Crime Prevention Department, carried out specific extraordinary control services on Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd February.

A total of 297 people and 131 vehicles were checked.

They were 58 non-EU citizens were checked and, following the outcome of the investigations aimed at verifying their legitimacy to remain on the National Territory, two of them were accompanied to the Permanence Center for Repatriation in Rome, where they will remain for the time strictly necessary to organize their forced repatriation towards the country of origin.

In 2020, the same ones were responsible for sexual violence of a group against a minor and, for these facts, arrested by the investigators of the Fondi police station.

Control and monitoring of the places of greatest aggregation of people, with particular attention towards suspicious individuals and, again, numerous have been carried out checks regarding compliance with the requirements by people subjected to restrictive measures such as house arrest or obligations of various kinds.

In the circumstance, 69 subjects burdened by police prejudice were identified, lThe activities described will be repeated in the coming days, also in other areas of the Pontine province.

Fondi, nuovo servizio straordinario di controllo del territorio. Controllati 131 veicoli e 297 persone, di cui due cittadini responsabili di violenza sessuale

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