Football, smoke bombs thrown: 13 Daspos fired after Teramo-Giulianova
Some Teramo supporters had thrown smoke bombs as the Giulianova Calcio bus passed
Football, smoke bombs thrown: 13 Daspos fired after Teramo-Giulianova.
They were issued 13 Daspo after the Eccellenza derby Teramo-Giulianova.
Il Police Commissioner of Teramo announced the issue of the measures following the scuffles that occurred on the day of the race, last October 1st, when some Teramo supporters had thrown smoke bombs as the Giulianova Calcio bus passed, also causing a fire on the edge of the road, which was later put out by the firefighters.
Other scuffles between the two fans occurred near the stadium box office, with throwing of objects by Teramo fans against the police.
Upon completion of the investigation, 10 subjects were identified, supporters of the Teramo 1913 City Team, who were responsible for various illicit conduct (one of resisting a public official, others of misrepresentation, use of instruments designed to offend and one of violation of a valid daspo), against whom the Police Commissioner of the Province of Teramo, Carmine Soriente, following an investigation by the local Anti-Crime Division, issued the prevention measure Ban on Access to Sports Events, of varying duration from two to eight years.
Some of the recipients, being already repeat offenders, were also the recipients of the obligation to report to the competent Police Office on the occasion of matches played by Teramo.
The same measure was adopted against a woman, a supporter of Teramo Calcio, held responsible, on the basis of factual elements, for conduct aimed at active participation in episodes of violence. Finally, the Daspo was imposed on two supporters of Giulianova 1924, responsible for the climbing over the fence placed between the curve and the sports field.
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