
Extraordinary territorial control services continue throughout the province of Latina

11 people reported at liberty.

The extraordinary territorial control services continue throughout the province of Latina. 

As part of the “High Impact” project, set up by the Department of Public Security, aimed at ensuring a lasting deterrent and repression effect on criminal conduct, he once again coordinated a series of extraordinary inter-force services, paying particular attention to the most degraded areas.

In this regard, patrols of the State Police, the Carabinieri, the Guardia di Finanza and the Local Police have intensified controls in areas where criminal conduct has been reported, also due to the presence of foreign citizens and homeless people who stay there, such as Villaggio Trieste, the new bus lines area, the Nicolosi district, Piazza Santa Maria Goretti, Via Don Morosini, Via Pier Luigi Nervi (Palazzo di Vetro) and Via Bruxelles (Colosseum),

The specific activities, in which 4 patrols of the Crime Prevention Unit also participated, allowed to identify over 1000 people and check over 500 vehicles. In addition, 60 non-EU citizens were checked to verify their residence permits and regular position on the national territory, at the end of which 2 were expelled.

Furthermore, in addition to the checks described, in just two days the Latina Police Headquarters arrested 5 people: two in Fondi for possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing, one in Latina for mistreatment in the family, one in Nettuno for the execution of a European Arrest Warrant for theft and one in Gaeta for resisting and injuring a Public Official.

In the same period of time, 11 people were reported at liberty, again within the province, called to answer for various crimes.

In particular:

· 2 individuals were found in possession of knives, one inside the passenger compartment of their car and the other hidden in a jacket pocket;

· 2 boys were caught after having just finished spray-painting the obelisk “To the city of Venice” located inside the gardens of Via Duca del Mare;

· 1 foreign citizen was reported for having occupied one of the rooms inside the Colosseum in Via Bruxelles, where work is underway to secure the site;

· 1 foreigner was reported for resisting a police officer after he had been responsible for harassing behaviour in the pub area;

· 1 foreign citizen was reported for failing to comply with the order of the Police Chief of Latina to leave the national territory;

· in Fondi a person was reported for failure to store weapons because, following a check, he was unable to provide information regarding two rifles that were not found;

· in Cisterna di Latina a woman was reported for ideological falsehood and aiding the illegal entry of foreign citizens, after it was discovered that she falsely claimed to be hosting foreigners in a property she owned;

· also in Cisterna di Latina a man was reported for having threatened a neighbor by taking a “stinging spray” out of his trouser pockets;

· finally in Gaeta the person responsible for an “online scam” in the car spare parts sector was identified.

Continuano i servizi straordinari di controllo del territorio in tutta la provincia di Latina. 

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