Ethnic foods of unknown origin and dirt in the premises: almost half of the food businesses controlled by the Carabinieri in the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi are irregular.
Two illegal warehouses were found and the owners of the irregular businesses were fined
Ethnic foods of unknown origin and dirt in the premises: irregular almost half of the food businesses controlled by the Carabinieri in the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi.
As part of the services implemented to control and combat illicit forms of marketing of ethnic products imported and distributed in our territory, the Carabinieri of the NAS of Taranto they inspected various food businesses (warehouses, restaurants, markets) in the provinces of Taranto and Brindisi and almost half were found to be irregular.
Specifically, in an ethnic food storage and sale business in Taranto, the presence of two illegal warehouses was ascertained, also affected by widespread dirt, rust and the presence of insects, for which the ASL ordered the suspension of the activity. of storage. While in an ethnic restaurant in the province of Taranto the presence of 30 kg of frozen foods (fish, meat, vegetables and pasta) was found, without any indications attributable to their traceability, all wrapped in plastic bags without labels crammed inside of a cold room. The food was then destroyed and the owner was administratively sanctioned.
At an ethnic restaurant in the province of Brindisi, the carabinieri ascertained the detention inside refrigerators of approximately 17 kg of food preparations without labels and without the indication of foods containing allergens on the menu. For this last aspect, the owner was warned in accordance with current legislation.
In a storage and sale of ethnic foods in the province of Brindisi, the NAS carabinieri, together with the ASL staff and the NIL carabinieri, found dirt in the areas intended for food and in the toilets, consequently it was necessary proceed to suspend the activity. Finally, still in a storage and sales activity in the province, the ASL of Brindisi, at the request of the NAS carabinieri, ordered the destruction of approximately 120 kg of fish and 30 kg of chicken offal as they were unlabeled.
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