Enna, Paternò murder: 4 farmers in prison, killed and then burned the victim's body

Enna, Carabinieri of the local Investigative Unit, together with ROS personnel, carried out a precautionary custody order in prison, issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations at the Court of Caltanissetta against 4 subjects investigated for "aggravated murder", "destruction of a corpse" and "fire followed by damage". It is
DMF, 63 years old, convicted felon, DMCSG, 24 years old, DMG 36 years old and SG, 25 years old, all farmers from Pietraperzia, in the province of Enna.
The investigation activities, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Caltanissetta, have revealed a serious circumstantial framework, against the subjects indicated above, in relation to the murder of Paternò Andrea, whose charred remains were found on 13 July 2020, in the locality Arcera Agro di Enna, inside the bed of his Mitsubishi L200 truck.
In particular, the investigations developed by the Carabinieri soldiers through information activities, analysis of public and private video surveillance systems, environmental and telephone interceptions, as well as technical analysis of telephone traffic have made it possible to ascertain the motive for the crime in a previous credit claimed from Paternò Andrea, of over 20.000 euros, towards today's suspects. In this context, comes yet another argument between Paternò and the DM which ended with first the killing and then the destruction of the victim's body on another site, sprinkling the body with flammable liquid, purchased on the same afternoon as the murder, and setting it on fire under some bales of hay in the bed of his pick-up.
The investigative reconstruction carried out by the investigators has therefore made it possible to establish that the victim, on the afternoon of that tragic 11 July 2020, initially went to the DM's farm, and precisely to DMF, to claim the repayment of the aforementioned credit, being but convinced to go and have some coffee in view of the next meeting with all the interested parties. Taking advantage of the temporary separation, through a whirlwind round of conversations, with a phase of frenetic telephone contacts, the other co-suspects reached the DM and upon PATERNÒ's return, he was hit with firearms and cutting weapons. At that point the DMF always went to a fuel station to collect a drum of diesel, which was then dramatically used to destroy the now lifeless body of PATERNÒ. In fact, shortly thereafter, a fire suddenly broke out in the Arceri district, near an old abandoned country house, on the victim's off-road vehicle with his body inside.
The investigations also revealed that both the subjects under investigation and the victim were not disconnected from contacts with members of the Pietraperzia and Barrafranca mafia families and, more generally, with mafia contexts, including prominent ones, in the province of Enna. for this reason the aforementioned were also charged with the aggravating circumstance referred to in art. 416 bis n. 1 of the criminal code, although not recognized by the GIP in a precautionary manner.
Also constant was the climate of intimidation and silence that emerged on the basis of the declarations of the majority of the declarative sources that emerged from the investigations, including the members of the forestry department who were responsible for putting out the fire, omitting any report regarding the presence of the vehicle set on fire and the body. The procedural positions of the aforementioned are being examined by the judicial authorities.
Finally, the investigation activities have revealed a serious circumstantial framework, against the suspects DMCS and DMG, regarding some fires that occurred during the month of July in agricultural areas between the municipalities of Enna and Pietraperzia. These crimes were committed in order to enforce their claim to unduly use those areas for their livestock, in disregard of any respect for property rights. These latest crimes appear, once again, symptomatic of the suspects' claim to impose control over the territory with methods undoubtedly similar to those of the mafia gangs.
Military personnel from the CC Provincial Command of Enna of the ROS CC and the Sicilian Hunters Helicopter Squadron of the Carabinieri took part in the execution of the precautionary order and the related search activities. One of the precautionary orders was executed in Belgium through international cooperation channels.

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