Potenza, drugs and sidearms seized: two complaints and one report from the Carabinieri

At the home of an already known subject, 23 grams of hashish, 2 plants and 32 marijuana seeds, 1 precision scale and packaging material were found

Potenza, drugs and sidearms seized: two complaints and one report from the Carabinieri.

The Carabinieri of the Acerenza Company have released two subjects in a state of freedom, respectively for detention for the purpose of dealing drugs and illegal possession of weapons.

During the night between last Saturday and Sunday, the soldiers of the aforementioned Company carried out specific territorial control services aimed at combating crimes in general and, in particular, those linked to drug dealing.

In detail, the Carabinieri of the Cancellara station (PZ) carried out a house search at the home of an already known subject for its specific precedents finding approximately 23 grams of hashish, 2 plants and 32 marijuana seeds, 1 precision scale and material for packaging the narcotic.

The young man will have to answer for possession for the purpose of dealing and illegal possession of a bladed weapon as he also illegally kept two sabers with 85 centimeter blades;

Mountain toast (PZ), along the SS 407 Basentana, they checked a small car driven by a 46-year-old who, subjected to a vehicle search, was found in possession of a switchblade with a 21 centimeter long blade, which is why it was reported to the local judicial authority.

The Carabinieri of the Operational and Radiomobile Unit - Radiomobile Unit of Acerenza, furthermore, they reported to the Prefecture of Potenza a boy who had recently turned 19 who, checked while he was driving the car owned by his mother, contained approximately 3 grams of hashish. The boy also had his driving license revoked.

The drugs and sidearms found were seized by the operating Carabinieri.

It should be noted that, for the subjects referred in a state of freedom, the criminal proceedings are still in the preliminary investigation phase and, therefore, the constitutional principle of not guilty applies towards them until the issuing of any irrevocable sentence of conviction.

The operating result achieved is the result of the incessant action conducted by the departments dependent on the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Potenza aimed at preventing all forms of crime and, in this case, those relating to drugs and weapons.

Potenza, sequestrate droga e armi bianche: due denunce ed una segnalazione dai Carabinieri

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