He drives at full throttle but doesn't have a license, he tries to evade the check by declaring his son's (fake) illness.

The traffic police of Bressanone (Bolzano) fines a driver at full throttle but without a license.

He drives at full throttle but doesn't have a license, he tries to evade the check by declaring his son's (fake) illness.

Last night, a patrol from the Bressanone Road Police Detachment decided to stop, near the Chiusa motorway toll booth, a car that was proceeding to sustained speed.
The driver, a Italian citizen, on board the car together with his family, declared that he had left home hurry to go to hospital, as her little son was sick.
The patrollers immediately offered to call an ambulance, but at this point theman changed his story, saying that he had already been to the hospital in Bolzano and that he could not show his driving license as it had been forgotten at home, then inviting the police to follow him to his home to carry out the necessary checks.
After making his wife drive, the police followed the man to his home, where he, after trying to make the patrollers believe that he could no longer find the document, admitted that he had no Never obtained a driving license and that the car belonged to the company he had been working for for some years.
At this point, the patrol had nothing left to do but give the man a fine fine of 5.100 Euros for driving without a licence, also proceeding with the administrative detention of the vehicle for 3 months (all without ever waking the baby, who was actually fine).
Finally, the Traffic Police also proceeded to sanction the owner of the company for carelessly entrusting the vehicle.

Guida a tutto gas ma è privo di patente, tenta di eludere il controllo dichiarando la (finta) malattia del figlio.

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