Trapani, “Per Tabulas” operation: 2,5 million euros confiscated
The suspect created his business fortune through illicit means.
Trapani, “Per Tabulas” operation: 2,5 million euros confiscated.
On the morning of July 31st, operators of the State Police serving in the Anti-Crime and Military Division of the Guardia di Finanza under the Trapani Economic-Financial Police Unit, they carried out Mazara del Vallo un provision for early seizure of assets for confiscation purposes, towards an entrepreneur, for a total value of approximately 2,5 million euros.
Il measure ablative was issued by Court of Trapani - Prevention Measures Section upon proposal of the Police Commissioner of Trapani, for the application of the personal prevention measure of special surveillance of PS with obligation to stay in the municipality of residence or habitual residence and of the patrimonial prevention measure of early seizure of assets, for the purposes of confiscation, advanced pursuant to the Legislative Decree n. 159/2011 (so-called Anti-Mafia Code) following analyzes conducted on the judicial precedents of the recipient of today's provision as well as in-depth asset investigations carried out by the registered offices.
Le analysis on social danger of the proposal have highlighted how the same has influenced the own entrepreneurial activity – initially in the fuel trading and car washing sector, and then in the tourism-hotel sector – financing it with the commission of profit-making crimes, especially in bankruptcy and tax matters, from which he has largely drawn his livelihood, for himself and his family, continuing to operate on the free market through systematic conduct of fraudulent recourse to bank credit, the diversion of huge resources from companies headed for bankruptcy, as well as tax evasion.
In particular, over the course of his life, he made huge profits profits from their entrepreneurial activity, mostly carried out in illicit ways through the use of various companies, with contempt for the rules relating to the organization and sound management of the same.
Il proposed has, in fact, set up one over the years refined company organization, often administered through third parties, whose management was essentially based on tax evasion and the diversion of resources both in favor of one's own family unit and in favor of ever new economic-entrepreneurial projects, carried out to the detriment of the treasury and creditors.
Basically the modus operandi of the proposed one, whose conduct can be dated back to the beginning of the 2000s, is substantiated in setting up and planting company (the first operator in the fuel trade), burden them with debts, not honor them and then ask banking institutions to renegotiate those same debts by opening new and larger lines of credit. A once the new financing has been obtained (which were supposed to be intended for the recovery of the failing company) the same punctually and serially distracted the funds obtained, pocketing part of it for his own livelihood and investing the rest in new and increasingly important entrepreneurial activities in the hospitality and tourism sector (hotels, restaurants and lastly also a bathing establishment, all present in Mazara del Vallo), and then cyclically bringing the new companies to go bankrupt and thus repeat their illicit conduct.
Over the years le companies started by the subject in question (directly or through relatives and nominees) acquired the assets and the activities of companies previously brought to bankruptcy, effectively leaving management control to today's proposal and escaping creditors and, mainly, tax claims.
For these conducted has reported over the years sentences that have become irrevocable for the crimes of fraudulent bankruptcy, tax evasion, failure to pay tax liabilities and other tax crimes.
Tale methodology for remote services criminal was renewed until recently, when - last year - a company referable to the daughter was awarded, by participating in the judicial sale relating to the enforcement procedure of one of the last bankrupt companies of the subject in question, a hotel in Mazara del Vallo, also the subject of today's seizure.
Tale last episode provided extraordinary evidence regarding the current social danger of the proposal and the need and urgency to anticipate the seizure of assets for the purposes of a possible preventive confiscation.
With this criminal method the proposed has accumulated over the years huge capital; the patrimonial investigations carried out against the proposed party have delivered a significant "disproportion” between lawfully acquired income and the real economic-financial availability of the same and his family unit.
Il measure real estate in question provides for the preventive seizure of the following assets:
• An apartment for residential use with appurtenances located in Mazara del Vallo;
• A storage room in Mazara del Vallo;
• Company shares and entire corporate portfolio of 6 companies based in Mazara del Vallo
Among the assets of the aforementioned companies are the following:
• A hotel
• A beach establishment with restaurant
• Plot of land with structures used for car wash and office use;
• Plot of land in Mazara del Vallo
Le companies and assets have been entrusted to an administrator appointed by the Court of Trapani which will ensure its management with the aim of not wasting jobs and existing contracts with third parties unrelated to the seizure measure.
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