Cream: tries to take his own life, a disabled person saved thanks to a policeman.
The incident occurred at SP 415 Paulese
Cream: tries to take his own life, a disabled person saved thanks to a policeman.
Un operator in force to this Office while free from service with his car he passed on the SP 415 Paulese, a short distance from the Rondò called "House of Flies”, noted one man on board of a wheelchair regardless of the traffic present was coming down from the same and with difficulty he tried to position yourself in the center of the lane of march.
People, sensing the intentions of the aforementioned and perceiving the seriousness of the facts, blocked your own immediately half reaching the oncoming lane, invaded by the disabled, signaling and blocking traffic vehicle that was arriving at that time.
This allowed alert vehicle drivers in transit which slowed down and stopped the march, thus avoiding hitting the man.
Secured the area the operator approached the aforementioned man who, in a state of confusion, clearly demonstrated his suicidal intentions, forcing the Officer to block him and forcibly move him to the edge of the road.
After a while 118 personnel intervened to whom the man was entrusted.
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