They punch a boy in the underpass and rob him: two sixteen-year-olds arrested
The attack took place in the evening in Viale De Gasperi.
Crema: they punch a boy in the underpass and rob him: two sixteen-year-olds arrested.
Il Crema Public Safety Police Station he investigated in a state of freedom at the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Juvenile Court of Brescia, two minors residing in the Crema area, both of 16's, a Romanian and the other Italian, for complicity in Robbery, against one of their peers from Crema.
I Facts in question occurred there evening of a few weeks fa within the Viale De Gasperi underpass where the victim, while walking calmly to reach his home, came first approached on a pretext by two strangers and subsequently punched in the face. In that context i two criminals they took possession of the phone, headphones bluetooth and del wallet containing money amounting to approximately 30 euros.
- authors after the consummation of the event they are walk away walk towards the Town center for the environment, and the offended person, terrified by what happened, only the next day yes he took his parents to these offices to file a formal complaint.
The Commissariat has activated immediately le investigations acquiring videos of the city video surveillance and of the homes and public businesses located in the area.
Thanks to these images and through evidence of people informed about the facts, corroborated by targeted photographic identifications, this Office was able to reconstruct the events and identify the authors.
In fact, it was found that i two young people yes they were lurked in the dark near the underpass waiting for the unaware victim and when the latter went through it they carried out their criminal purpose.
They also came carried out searches to the aforementioned two who allowed them to acquire in their homes relevant elements regarding their responsibility in the affair.
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