Catania, “Disco-gang” operation: six young people arrested
The State Police arrested six young people belonging to a baby gang. The boys were given to violent attacks without any reason inside the discos. Furthermore, the Police Commissioner ordered the Daspo Willy to all six boys.
Catania, “Disco-gang” operation: six young people arrested
The Catania State Police carried out an operation, arresting six young people from Catania, being part of a baby gang, dedicated to violent attacks inside city nightclubs.
The Flying Squad investigators, coordinated by the Etna Public Prosecutor's Office, they reconstructed the dynamics of the beatings, carried out to damage to victims targeted for trivial reasons and/or for no apparent reason, during Catania nightlife evenings.
In in the same executive context, the recipients of the measure were notified of the same number of Daspos (measure to protect the decorum of particular places) so called Willy issued by the Police Chief of Catania.
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